Category Archives: Decorating

Eat, drink, and be Scary!

While Halloween might normally be thought of as just for the kids, there’s no reason why adults can join in the spooky fun as well.  But no need to pull out the plastic spiders and jack-o-lanterns;  keeping the color palette limited will elevate any soiree from kitschy to sophisticated.

Set the stage for a mysterious evening by incorporating natural elements such as succulents, birch logs, white pumpkins, and spider mums into a black and white palette.  Add black taper candles and plenty of votives for the perfect eerie glow.

Adult Halloween Cocktail Party

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White Pumpkins

From the ubiquitous jack-o-lantern to the classic pumpkin pie, pumpkins are the indisputable superstars of fall!  But while the traditional orange pumpkin can be troublesome to incorporate into all decor styles, white pumpkins are a chic and sophisticated alternative.  Albino pumpkins look just as fabulous mixed with black items for a Halloween party or used as an elegant  Thanksgiving table centerpiece.   And with adorable variety names such as Baby Boo, Cotton Candy, Lumina, Casper, what’s not to love?   Mixed with seasonal flowers, white pumpkins become the perfect decor for dining rooms, entryways, coffee tables, and more.

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